POS + e-shop
ProjetWith a target group that large and diverse, how do you build a tool that is literally perfect for everyone? WocPOS™ is an elegant POS solution with all online shop features. WoPOS™: The solution that will connect your Business, manage sales and schedules of your employees, create additional selling point, WocPOS™ will synchronize all your operations immediately. To create this software, we focused on what is the most important for your business: your sales. WocPOS™ was developed with the latest technologies to maintain a friendly and efficient cloud solution. Designed and developed for full compatibility on all the most popular devices and browsers, WocPOS™ is a very powerful and simple tool to use. |
CompétencesDirection artistique, Design, Gestion de projet, Concept, Conception, Animation, Développement Front-end, Développement Back-end |