Inspiré par nos propres souvenirs d'enfance de Montagnes Russes, nous avons créé un parc d'attractions animé en 2d guidant chaque visiteur à travers le site


lidu interactive


Inspired by the Roller Coaster experiences from childhood, we created an animated Amusement Park that guides each user through the website. We designed the entire brand identity, including the interface. By integrating these materials into the site experience, the average user can really learn how and what Meating Place is about. The friendly UI uses icons and swiping that any young mind can easily understand.


Direction artistique, Design, Gestion de projet, Concept, Conception, Animation, Développement Front-end, Développement Back-end


- MyDesignAward
- Qnt Gallery
- DESIGN LICKS, Creative web award winner
- New Web Pick, Design and Technology
- Design Charts USA